Blood bank generates plenty of hazardous, non-hazardous and sharp waste. The waste is segregated within the blood bank before it is picked by hospital administration for disposal. Follow the instructions/policy of the hospital administration for waste disposal.
Any waste that could produce laceration or puncture injuries must be disposed of as ‘sharps’. Sharps must be segregated from other waste. Metal sharps and broken glass may be commingled with each other, but not with non-sharp waste.
- Waste that is to be incinerated should not be mixed/combined with glass or plastics
- Biological waste must not be combined/mixed with chemical waste or other laboratory trash
- Hazardous biological waste should be segregated from other biological waste
Waste Containers
Containers must be appropriate for the contents i.e. not leak, properly labeled and maintain their integrity if chemical or thermal treatment is used. Containers of biohazardous material should be kept closed.
- Metal Sharps: Place in a rigid, puncture resistant container (heavy walled plastic is recommended). Never attempt to retrieve items from a sharps container. Do not place sharps in plastic bags or other thin-walled containers
- Broken Glassware: Place in a rigid, puncture resistant container (plastic, heavy cardboard or metal), seal securely and clearly label ‘Broken Glass’.
- Solid Biohazardous Waste: Use heavy duty plastic ‘Biohazard Bags’ (autoclave bags) or containers for solid biohazardous waste (including contaminated disposable plastic labware, paper bedding etc. which are not sharps).
- Non Hazardous Biological Waste: Heavy duty plastic bags or other appropriate container without a biohazard label are preferred. Red or orange biohazard bags or containers should not be used for non-hazardous material.
- Liquids: Liquids like blood, plasma serum and reagents should be placed in leak-proof containers able to withstand thermal or chemical treatment. Do not use plastic bags to contain liquids. Liquid waste including bulk blood and blood products, cultures and stocks of etiologic agents and viruses, cell culture material and products of recombinant. DNA technology should be disinfected by thermal or chemical treatment then discharged into sewer system
Chemical treatment of bags containing blood or components with sodium hypochlorite or formalin is recommended.
Storage of Biological Waste
Instructions for handling of biological waste are given in the following:
- Biohazardous waste should be treated and disposed of promptly and not allowed to accumulate
- Containers holding biohazardous material must be clearly labeled, including the biohazard symbol
- Biological waste may be held temporarily under refrigeration, prior to disposal, in a safe manner that does not create aesthetic (visual or odor) problems. Storage enclosure must be clean and orderly with no access to unauthorized persons (warning signs must be posted)
General Principals
Follow the general instructions issued by hospital administration regarding waste management:
- Try to minimize waste
- All waste containers should be leak-proof with tight fitted lids or covers
- Keep lids on containers closed at all-time unless adding or removing material
- Place waste containers at site which do not cause hindrance in routine blood bank working
- Place waste containers indoors or under a roof or over hang
- Arrange for wastes to be picked up regularly and disposed at approved disposal facility
- Place hazardous materials, liquids or liquid containing wastes in separate hazardous waste container
- If liquid wastes are to be disposed, absorb them with suitable absorbent before disposal
- Non-hazardous liquid waste must be disposed in the sanitary sewer
- Do not wash waste containers outdoor, these should be washed if required at a place especially reserved for such purpose and should not be used for any other purpose
- When working in field, place all waste in appropriate container near the worksite
- If no containers are available, container or bag the waste and bring them back for the proper disposal
- Make a record of proper waste disposal